C-Life Dive School
Celebrating quality and service for 27yrs
The Basic Life Support course, represents entry-level training designed to educate persons in providing Basic Life Support techniques to adult victims with life threatening injuries, while activating the local medical services.
1 Day practical dry course for divers and Non divers
The DAN Basic Life Support provider ("DAN BLS Provider") programme is designed to teach the knowledge and skills needed to provide Basic Life Support (BLS) to adult victims. BLS consists out of several First Aid techniques that support (or might restore) life. At the end of the course the DAN BLS provider will be able to recognise an emergency, activate the EMS and provide early BLS, while waiting for an AED or Advanced Life support to arrive at the scene of the accident. Early Access to the EMS and early BLS are 2 of the 4 links in the chain of survival.
You will learn how to perform CPR, use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and become familiar with the signs and symptoms associated with heart attacks and respiratory arrest. Managing shock and controlling external bleeding are other skills covered that can help save lives.
You will learn about:
You will develop the following skills:
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries,
Emergency First Response, Drysuit Diver, Boat Diver, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Night Diver, Wreck Diver, Enriched Air Diver, DPV, Technical Courses such as Advanced Nitrox
No prerequisites and doesn’t include dives, which means it is equally applicable to those who are around diversand are Non Divers.
TBC and on demand CALL