Peak Performance Buoyancy




Red Sea

Peak Performance Buoyancy

Float effortlessly, drifting over reefs. Be the diver you want to be, with ultimate buoyancy control, able to hover close to the bottom and examine underwater organisms without touching them.

Buoyancy skills separate the good divers from the great divers. In the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course, you will learn to how to precisely weight yourself for optimum control, poise and balance. You learn to ascend and descend so effortlessly, it seems like you only think about it and it happens. By mastering streamlining, you move through the water cleanly, efficiently and gracefully. You swim near fragile environments without harm to them or yourself.

Why do Peak Performance Buoyancy Diver Course?

  1. Have you recently qualified as Junior or Open Water Diver?
  2. Do you wish to float effortlessley?
  3. Struggling to control your buoyancy?
  4. Want to save air and where less weight?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions above, then the Peak Performance Buoyancy Diver Course is what you need.

During the Peak Performance Buoyancy Diver program

You will learn Buoyancy fundamentals; weighting and adjustments Streamlining, balance and trim, and fine tuning buoyancy and mastering hovering. Which is especially important on safety stops.

Course consists of

A knowledge review session, 2 dives in open water. All equipment, manual and certification included.

Where can I go from here?

  • Join the C-Life Dive Club if you haven't already to get cheaper kit hire and cheaper courses.
  • Hire our full Drysuit and Scuba kit including Drysuit, undersuit, hood, gloves, & Scuba worth over £1,000
  • Also, the first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit.
  • Enrol onto the Rescue Diver Course and complete five Specialty Diver Courses you can apply for the TOP Non Professional Rating of Master Scuba Diver certification.

Other Courses related to Peak Performance Buoyancy

Drysuit Diver, Enriched Air, Night Diver, Wreck Diver, Deep Diver, DPV, Technical Courses such as Advanced Nitrox, Gas Blender, or Advanced gas Blender.


Junior or Open Water Diver, 10yrs old



Member Rate

Theory, materials, full equipment, Two training dives and certification



Course Dates 
